Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back the Truck Up

If you have never tried to put a kickstarter together, you will never know how time consuming it all is. Verifying identity and bank accounts are swallowing up huge chunks of my time. At least I know Kickstarter is legit. It would be very hard for anyone to run a scam off there and not get caught. 

I am currently waiting on the bank verification to come back with could take 7 days.

I've updated the rewards ladder, as St. Mary's was unable to guarantee I would be able to run a live web cast. I understand completely. It's a whole other legal nightmare if one of the kids were to show up in the broadcast.

AND... While Godsmack is an awesome band, I've been advised not to use their song in the Kickstarter video. So, I begged my buddy DJ IM to hook me up with something. He was awesome enough to provide me with an instrumental version of a song he collaborated on.  I am forever in his debt, but don't tell him that.

You guys should check him out. He's on Facebook and Soundcloud.

DJ IM Facebook
DJ IM Soundcloud

Now I present you with the NEW and IMPROVED promo film:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

On your marks

Oh man, what a week. First some family issues, and then problems getting video from the dentist office... They had patients so I had to wait a week to get "kid free" video.

We are back on track now. I just finished putting together the kickstarter video. All I have to do now is figure out what format it should be saved in to publish it here, facebook and kickstarter. I'm very proud of myself. It took more than 6 hours to make and edit a 4 minute video. Phew, that stuff is hard.

 I've researched the webcasting aspect, so as long as St. Mary's has a wifi network I can get on, that should be good to go.

Check back tomorrow to (hopefully) see the finished video.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Green Light

Great News!!!

After some research, legal and otherwise, and behind the scene talks, We Are A Go!

St. Mary's Home informed me yesterday that the mural is approved.  We decided on this:

A fat, happy dragon surrounded by differently abled kids and Donald Duck. The kids and Mr. Duck will be roasting marshmallows with the dragons fire breath.  I'm very excited about this concept, and I can't wait to get started.

But first... We must start the kickstarter campaign. Everything is basically ready, except the video. Even that is mostly done, but I'd like to get some video of St. Mary's to add to it.

I'll be busy the next couple of days.  Hopefully we can start before the end of next week.
